Monday, December 10, 2012

Lily at 22 months, Brinley at 3 months

It's December 10th (sure its 3:45 am)...but still December 10th which means Christmas is only 15 days away and my girls have each hit their new month birthday. I've said it before on my blog, but I plan to do monthly updates for both girls until they turn 2. Then I'll just likely update whenever I feel like it and for their real birthdays. So, it occured to me in the wee hours of this morning that I only have three monthly updates left for my Lily Kate and I should make them count! I started the blog when Lily was 13 months, so she got a little jipped on the early posts, however, I was fairly thorough in her baby book so I'm content. I look forward to the 10th of every month so I can reflect on the ever-changing and emerging personality of Lily Kate and now the precious milestones of Brinley's 1st year of life. I feel especially blessed today to get to raise Lily Kate and Brinley and have the honor of being their mama.
In the months to come, I hope and pray they will become best friends. I never had a sister and always wanted one so badly. I am excited to raise these two little ladies in the best way I know how and hopefully they will have a wonderful sisterly bond for ever and ever.

Anyway, this post is going to be a work in progress. My friends Ashleigh-Anne and Betsy gave me some good ideas for sensory bins for Lily and I want to make some cool ones and post pictures of Lily trying them and a report of what she liked and didnt like. In order to do this, I'll probably need to go by wal-mart or the dollar store, because I am not resourceful enough to find stuff around the house! Well, at least I dont think I am...we'll see what I come up with. ;) I am thankful to have friends who are such fantastic and creative mamas and who are willing to share their ideas of educational and fun activities for their little ones. It is so easy to get in a rut with our daily schedule and to put on Sesame Street or Mickey Mouse Club and let Lily be a little couch potato for the morningor afternoon. (Or rather, the length of Lily's attention span which is less than an hour, but you get the point!)

Lily Kate at 22 months:

Weight- Unsure? Maybe 25 pounds. She was 75% percentile in weight at her last appt.

Height- Also Unsure. But I will try to get on the ball and measure. I have an Elmo growth chart I've been meaning to start. I think Lily is tall for her age- probably 75% percentile or so also.

Diapers- Size 4.

Potty Training- I am happy to report progress over the last month! Although there was only one actual pee in the potty, Lily started telling me when she pees or poops as opposed to the adamant denial she used to display. Today we were at Tom Brown Park and Clint said he saw her make her poop face (its unmistakable) and then she tugged at her diaper and said "Poop!"to Clint. This is progress in my eyes! I have no idea if my tactics are the right ones, but I will say that I started cheering for Lily when she pooped in her diaper about two weeks ago to try and get her to stop denying the deed and acting ashamed. (She would say,"No-no bye!" and give us the stiff arm if we asked if she pooped- when clearly she did.) I feel that a week of cheering for her poops made her proud and now she happily proclaims "poop, poop,poop!" when the deed is done. Sure, it not actually letting me know when she needs to poop, so I can get her on the potty, but I still consider it a step in the right direction. She also says "Pee pee" when she's peed and repeats "Pee Pee, Poop, Pee Pee, Poop" again and again in typical Lily fashion. I think she just likes to make conversation sometimes, she is a chatter box like her mama! ;)

Brinley Claire at 3 months:

Weight- 13lbs, 8 oz as of 12/4/12 (Probably 90th percentile or so)

Height- unsure? Probably 50th percentile, but I should try to measure.

Diapers- Size 2

Eating habits-

Medication- Prevacid for Acid Reflux-

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