Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Celebrations

It's only the 9th of December and already there has been a lot to celebrate this month! On Sunday December 2nd, we celebrated Channing's 2nd birthday at Chuck E Cheese. Channing is my friend Jodi's daughter, and alongside Emily Grace she is one of  the smartest and funniest 2 year old I know. Jodi and I were pregnant together for the majority of our pregnancies with Channing and Lily and pregnant at practically the exact same time for our second pregnancies with John William and Brinley. I have found there to be  a special bond you form with friends you have the joy of going through pregnancy with. Especially with your first pregnancy when you are nervous, scared, anxious, and have so many questions and concerns.

This is Jodi and I in October 2010 when we were both anxiously awaiting our little girls!
And us again on Novemeber 14, 2010 at Jodi's baby shower (Yup, I'm in the same dress!)
Channing was born on 11/30/ you see how amazing Jodi looked 2 weeks before she delivered??
The only picture of us I got during our second pregnancies was at our friend Erin's Going Away party on June 22, 2012. My favorite part about this picture is that there are actually THREE pregnant mamas, but I didnt know Beth was newly pregnant at the time!! Beth is due early February and we celebrated her baby shower for her soon-to-be son this afternoon!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Channing!
Lily had a great time at Chuck E Cheese. Unfortunately, the party was at 4 and Lily completely skipped her nap that day other than dosing off for 10 minutes in the car. She got a little cranky and we left early...but we were able to play and visit and eat for about an hour and a half. Thanks for inviting us, Jodi!
The next December celebration we were invited to was Koby's 4th Birthday Party out in Piney-Z. Wow, does my friend Betsy know how to throw a themed party!! The theme was pirates and if you don't already follow Betsy's blog, you will have to check out her post (when she makes one).  So far her pictures on facebook do a great job of capturing the little details that made this party so special. I only got one picture of Koby and about 5 of Lily playing with balloons. Betsy had an awesome treasure hunt, but Lily wanted to ride the slide with Elijah so we missed most of it.(Thats where he was if youre wondering why he isnt in the treasure hunt pictures, Betsy!) Here are the few pictures I have:

                     Betsy was so sweet to let Lily mangle the balloon decorations...

"What mom?I'm busy with some very important balloon business."
A lollipop, ballons, swings, and a slide= Lily Kate Heaven!!

                                                  BC making faces with Daddy.
Betsy, thanks so much for including us in Koby's special day! And seriously, you should be a professional party planner!! GREAT job!
Our third celebration of Decemeber, was a baby shower for my friend Beth on Sunday 12/9. I've mentioned Beth in my HIE post and my post about Brinley's delivery, as she was my nurse for both
c-sections. She is having a baby boy, Maddox, in late January and I couldnt be more excited for her and Tien!! Beth and Tien were so kind and generous to me when Lily was sick and are going to be truly incredible parents to little Maddox! He will be worth the wait! Such an answered prayer to be part of Beth's baby shower and man did she get a TON of stuff! I wish I got a picture. Can't wait to see the finished nursery!
Next Sunday, we'll continue the birthday party rally with a 2nd birthday party at Tom Brown for my friend Kathy's son, Jackson. It is a fire truck theme, and should be a lot of fun!
So much celebrating this month..I am filled with great joy as we await the most special birthday of all on Christmas day! Happy Holidays! :)

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