Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Time Tallahassee

I have always loved Spring Time Tallahassee. We took Lily last year when she was about 7 weeks old.
                                                                     Here's that photo...

And here we are this year...

As you can tell Lily LOVED having her picture taken. Actually, all my pictures from Springtime could be called 'The many cranky faces of Lily Kate'. Meanwhile, Pugsley was loving the camera and all the attention he got from strangers. He had all the ladies in the beverage stand near where we were standing calling his name, and he was in Heaven.

Love Jana and sweet baby Aeven!

I'm a princess, not a policeman!

Another attempt at a family least one of our children is smiling.

I wish I got a picture of  Pugsley sitting in a random guy's lap on this sidewalk above. It was pretty funny. We went into our church for the spaghetti lunch, and Pugsley stayed out side sitting in the lap of a nice college guy from our church (who we just met) for a good 30 minutes. Pugsley lives for a warm lap and good scratches from a stranger!

Someone was tuckered out!

Some more photos from last year's Spring Time....

I cant wait to have a baby this small again....I miss these early baby days so much!

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