Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lily Kate!

I'm back! I haven't blogged in a while because my lap top crashed at home. We haven't been able to buy a new computer yet, so my blogging capabilities have been limited.

But I did want to post in celebration of Lily's 3rd Birthday on February 10th. We took some pictures in the front yard on Sunday, February 9th. It turns out all I need to do is give Lily some balloons and she will gladly smile for me. I will need to remember this! :)

Later that afternoon, my friend Jessi organized a birthday playdate at Lafayette park for her daughter Marion who turned 3 on Feb 14th, and our other friend Jen's daughter Madison who turned 3 on Feb 6th. Jessi promised it would be low key...but 100 chocolate covered strawberries , 50 balloons, and a whole lot of other treats later, I'm not sure it still qualified as "low key". :) We had a great time, and were blessed with beautiful weather. Lily was a little moody and shy at first, but again, give the kid some balloons, and she was good to go!

I've seen a lot of people play question and answer with their child every year on their birthday, starting usually around age 3...and I thought that would be fun to try with Lily. I need to think of some other questions to ask, but here is what I've got so far. The funny part is that pretty much every answer has been different every time I ask. For instance, we were just playing with her frog stuffed animal, no naturally that was her favorite animal when I asked on her birthday. It is a three year old's perogative to change her mind I guess! :)

1. What is your favorite song? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! (She likes both the old school Mickey Mouse and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song).

2. Where is your favorite place to go? Disney World!

3. what is your favorite color? Red

4. Who is your best friend? Koby and Allie

5. What is your favorite TV show? I like Umizoomi, baby likes Caillou, daddy likes football, and Nana's favorite show is tennis. (Pretty thorough answer, lol)

6. What is your favorite animal? A frog, ribbet ribbet!

7. What is your favorite book? I Love you Through and Through

8. What is your favorite food? pancakes

9. What is activity do you like to do when mommy gets home from work? I like to paint.

10. What song you like to sing at preschool? Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around

The celebrating continued with a preschool party on Monday, February 10th at Temple and a dinner out to Olive Garden with my parents, my brother, and Clint's dad. Lily was such a mess at Olive Garden. While she awaited her food, she decided to make herself comfortable in the lobby as she a true birthday diva. The manager was so nice, she went to the back and made Lily her own button with her name printed on it.

A few nights later, we finally made cupcakes and sung Lily Happy Birthday at home.
Lily had a great birthday week and is loving telling people she is 3. She has blessed us more than I can say in these 3 years! Love you, my Lily Kate!!!

 Lily has been full of cute things to say are some examples:

*Tonight lily are were playing with her blocks and I said, "Lily, you are really good at building with blocks." Lily said, "Thank you, mommy. You're good at blocks too." 

This afternoon Lily was walking around in her Cinderella panties and said to me, "Mommy, let's read my Cinderlla book because it matches my big girl undies."

Earlier this week lily came running down te hall clapping and said, "Yay! Daddy went pee pee in the potty!"

Whenever Lily sees me sitting alone on the couch she says, "Mommy are you sad no one sitting in your lap? Why are you so sad mommy?" Then she'll climb in my lap and snuggle and say, "Are you happy now mommy?"

Moments I want to remember forever. :)

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