Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LK at 21 months, Brinley at 2 months

A friend of mine told me that there is an iphone app for Blogger, where you can upload pictures from your phone directly to your blog. To my suprise, it was easy! Thanks Wildali! :)
Lily was playing with my camera a few weeks ago, and I put my camera somewhere she couldn't find it. Unfortunately, I put it somewhere I couldn't find it either, and now it is officially missing! So, I've been relying on my iphone and stealing other people's photos. Hoping to find my camera SOON!
On November 10th, Lily Kate turned 21 months and Brinley turned 2 months old. Here a few pictures of what the girls have been up to this week:

Despite a nasty cold, we took Lily to the fair for a few hours on Saturday, Nov 10th. She LOVED the animals and would have been content to spend all day there.
My little artist. I let her color with a marker as a special treat. The towel worked well to save my carpet.
Lily has been having a blast playing in the leaves. And we have PLENTY!
Having fun with Brinley at the mall
Hanging in the crib
Happy 2 months, Brinley Claire!
Enjoying a warm fall day in the front yard
When Lily is sick, she doesnt go down easily in her crib. Instead, she prefers holding hands with daddy in mommy and daddy's bed until she falls asleep. So spoiled. :)
We plop her in her crib when she's asleep with her pals Abby and Elmo. Life is pretty good for LK. :)
Brinley's 2 month stats:
On Thursday, November 15th, Brinley had her 2 month check-up. I had a feeling she was a little chunk, and sure enough she was 89th percentile, 12 lbs 2 oz. Her height and head size were 50th percentile.
Weight: 12 lbs, 2 oz (89th percentile)
Diaper: size 2
Clothes: 0-3 months or 3 months (many 3 month clothes are snug already!)
Eating habits: Brinley nurses every 3 hours or so during the day and once during the night. She cries every time when she's done, partly because she loves to eat and partly because I think she has acid reflux and a lot of gas. Poor nugget. :(
Favorite activities: Brinley likes to eat first and foremost, but she also likes you to smile and her and make silly faces. She will gift you with some pretty sweet smiles in return! BC also loves a good diaper change. She does not like to be dirty and unfortuntely for me, she dirties diapers quicker than any child I know. I think we do about 12 diaper changes a day. I really probably should look into cloth diapering with this kid! Other likes include being outside in the sun and going for strolls. Also a big fan of a pacifier. She is finally starting to tolerate the jungle mat, but only for short periods. Brinley is good at tummy time when I remember to do it. It was so much easier to do tummy time with Lily when it was just her and I all day. But Brinley's neck is strong and her head control is good, so I think she'll be OK.
Dislikes: Sleeping on her back, swaddles, bouncy seats, and swings. Also, she's not too crazy about bathtime, but the warm washcloth on her tummy trick does seem to help.
Medicines: We started Brinley on Zantac after her 2 mo appt to see if it helps with her digestion issues and screaming after she finishes eating. So far I think its helping? Not totally sure.the Pediatrician said you'd have to do an upper GI to really diagnosis the reflux,so we should just start the medicine and see if it helps. Gas drops are also our friend.
Nicknames: Pipsqueak, No Hair Brinley Claire, Nugget #2, BC, Brin, Babycakes, and just plain Baby (Lily's name for her)
Travel: So far you have been to Birmingham, Tampa twice, and Orlando. You've enjoyed meeting all the extended family and attending your first wedding in Alabama.

Love you, Brinley Claire! Excited to see what next month brings. :)

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