Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lily Kate at 20 months

On October 10th, my baby girl turned 20 months old. That sounds so grown up to me!! Lily is obsessed with two things at the moment: Sesame Street characters and bananas. Every morning Lily wakes up and calls, "Mama...mama" and then her next thoughts are usually of the Sesame Street gang. On the changing table she goes through the list of her Sesame Street friends that she knows by name. There are 8 she can say. "Elmo, Abby, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Grover, Bird, and Cookie."And that ranks them in order of how much she loves them...or maybe how much she enjoys saying their names?? I hear "Elmo, Abby, Abby, Ernie, Ernie, Elmo, Abby.." MULTIPLE times a day. And I promise Lily doesnt watch Sesame Street all day...she just talks about it all day!  (Although she does watch more TV than I'd like to admit...)

The other thing Lily can't get off her mind is bananas- or "nanas"as she says. Last week there was  a sesame street episode where Elmo talked about bananas for literally 20 or 30 minutes straight. Lily could hardly contain her excitement! Although that actually ended badly because it left Lily really craving a banana and we were all out. She was in full whine mode saying "Nana, Nana, Nana! And I think there were even tears. This morning I went to publix and made sure to buy 2 bushels of bananas to avoid such dramatics from Lily in the future!

Lily still wears size 4 diapers although it is really time I focus on potty training. I just dont think shes ready. Back when Lily first turned 1, I started setting her on the potty after her bottles and she usually happened to pee there. Now that she's older, she thinks its funny to sit on the potty and stand up and pee on the floor. Or run out of the bathroom streaking through the house and making me chase her. We have had only one or two successful pee-pee's in the potty recently, and I'm certain Lily didnt mean to! Lily also adamantly denies having a poopy diaper when we question her about things arent heading in a good direction there either. I read that kids usually feel bad about being dirty when they are ready to start potty training and Lily could care less. And she's a bold faced liar- so theres that, lol.We say, "Lily, are you stinky?" and every time she acts like she has something to hide and says "No, no, no!" and shakes her head and dismissively waves her hand at us. Cracks me up, but doesnt help me on achieving my potty training goals!!

Lily continues to love going to the park, getting balloons at publix, playing with bubbles, having a bath, snuggling, eating, drinking milk, laughing at Pugsley, reading books, throwing balls, going on strolls, running away from Mommy in stores, and drawing with pens. Her favorite book right now is "Goodnight Gorilla"...and there are no flaps to lift, I'm so happy! :) I love that book too. And as a bonus, there is a mouse dragging a tiny banana hidden on every you better believe Lily enjoys finding it!

This month we've added a craft hour to our afternoons on most days and Lily has grown to love painting, stickers, and colored glue sticks. Stickers can be found on all surfaces of our house!

Here are some pictures of my Princess at 20 months:

Painting a picture for Daddy
Hanging out with cousins Dawn and Sam
Getting cupcake pictures done at JC Pennies with sissy
We swing Brinley in her carseat to help her fall asleep..Lily likes to imitate with her baby carseat and say "Wee, wee, wee!"
Lily selecting somebooks to read...or throw all over the floor...probably the latter, haha.You can see Clint swinging Brinley in the background. :)

                                                      Playing outside with Grandpa
Look at those long legs...Lily had gotten taller and was 70th percentile in height last time they checked.
Lily loves a good slide! She doesnt even need my help anymore...*tear!* Side note- it is getting dark so early, we got to Tom Brown at 7 pm and only had about 20 minutes of play time before it was totally dark...bummer. We tried to get out of the house earlier, but of course it takes forever getting anywhere with our two.
 Happy 20 months LK...looking forward to all the Halloween and fall fun this month around town. :)

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