Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lily Kate's Chick Pics!

On Sunday, March 11th, my friend Betsy took some Easter pictures of Lily with baby chicks. It was such a fun experience, and I am sure to be a repeat customer next year!

Right before the chick pooped on her dress, haha.

We get Lily to smile by playing "How big is Lily??" Lily puts her hands above her head and we say "Sooo big!" And Lily smiles and senses how proud we are of her trick. It never gets old to Clint and I. I THINK maybe this picture was taken at the tail end of that hand is still up! Loves.

And now for some of Lily's besties who also got chick pics...I love that Betsy and I share a lot of mutual friends because I got to gush over these little cuties too. :)

Amelia....soo cute!

Emily....I love the caution, this girl has a big place in my heart!

Channing, hillarious!

Jackson....I love this one!

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