Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Potty Time!

I couldn't think of anything to get Lily for her 1st birthday so I decided on a Princess Potty- since I knew we would need one eventually. I've been taking Lily to sit on her potty with her clothes on since I got it just to warm her up to it. Then Monday night, I decided to try sitting her on the potty without the diaper. She was so funny, she sat there and then ripped little peices of toilet paper off the roll and wiped her tummy with them and threw them on the floor. When she got up, I couldn't believe it, she actually peed!! I immediately got the camera to take a picture of her first pee pee in the potty (thats normal, right??) and then texted Clint to tell him what a potty prodigy his daughter was. Then I let Lily have a toilet paper party to celebrate her good work, its one of Lily's favorite things to do....yet, generally frowned upon since it's so wasteful!

 Lily's first pee in the potty is in there!

Look at that smile!

I thought that was just a fluke, but the next morning Lily peed in the potty again! Clint was home and got to see her in action- we were both quite proud and I dont think Lily had a clue what we so excited about. Sadly, the next two times I tried her on the potty, she didnt pee. So alas, I dont have a potty prodigy, but I am still proud that Lily peed in her potty twice at 13 months old. Still no first steps, but pee pee in the potty, I'll take it! :)

Yep, she put her hand in the pee pee...sigh.

Cracking mommy up wiping her tummy toilet paper!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Big Sister Club and Baby Bump Photos

A few weeks ago Jenn and I put the girls in their matching Big Sister shirts after music time. Jenn and I have the exact same due date- September 14, 2012! Only I'll be getting induced a week early since I'll be getting another c-section. So look for Baby Albritton about September 7th or so. Either way, the second set of babies are sure to be besties!

The belly begins....

 8 weeks

9 weeks

                                                                           12 weeks

                                                                           13 weeks

                                                                        17  weeks

  I'm still in denial that my due date is only 6 months away! The first trimester really flew by....I guess my 1 yr old helped keep me  busy as I waited those first uncertain weeks out. Thanks LK!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lily Kate's Chick Pics!

On Sunday, March 11th, my friend Betsy took some Easter pictures of Lily with baby chicks. It was such a fun experience, and I am sure to be a repeat customer next year!

Right before the chick pooped on her dress, haha.

We get Lily to smile by playing "How big is Lily??" Lily puts her hands above her head and we say "Sooo big!" And Lily smiles and senses how proud we are of her trick. It never gets old to Clint and I. I THINK maybe this picture was taken at the tail end of that hand is still up! Loves.

And now for some of Lily's besties who also got chick pics...I love that Betsy and I share a lot of mutual friends because I got to gush over these little cuties too. :)

Amelia....soo cute!

Emily....I love the caution, this girl has a big place in my heart!

Channing, hillarious!

Jackson....I love this one!

I has a blog...what I do wif it? lol pug pictures of course. :)



My first blog post is dedicated to Clint....who has probably seen all of these pug pictures in his daily pug searches already....but will still appreciate it. :)