Monday, February 18, 2013

Prince Arthur confers Garter to the Japanese emperor

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, confers the Order of the Garter 
to the Japanese Emperor. (Image source Wikimedia Commons)

Tokyo, Feb. 20, 1906—Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, has invested Japan's Emperor Meiji with the Order of the Garter, reports the New York Times. The event has been described as an "impressive ceremony" witnessed by around 80 people, including the "Crown Prince and other imperial princes." Also present in the event were the Japanese premier and other ministers of His Imperial Majesty's government. The British delegation also witnessed the occasion. The Emperor expressed his "grateful appreciation" for Britain's cordiality.

A "wildly enthusiastic" welcome for the prince

Prince Arthur arrived on Feb. 19.  The locals welcomed King Edward's envoy (and brother) with wild enthusiasm. The Emperor broke precedence and himself welcomed the British prince at the Shisabi station. The streets of Tokyo were bedecked with "flags, lanterns, flowers and triumphal arches."

Prince Arthur rode a Court carriage and was taken to Kasumigaseki Palace, accompanied by Crown Prince Arisugawa. Accompanying him were the Imperial Lancers with the military band playing British anthem. A royal salute was fired upon the party's arrival, while throngs of crowd lines the streets and flocked Hibya Park to enthusiastically welcome the Prince.

The British visit was declared a special holiday, given that the occasion will forevermore remain as "one of the most important events in the history of Japan."

A dinner was held in honor of Prince Arthur on the eve of the Emperor's investiture.

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