Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hello, August!

On Thursday, August 2nd, we got an impromptu visit from one of my best friends, Maria!! Maria and I met in the dorms at UF freshman year (12 years ago...crazy!) and have stayed really close. We were in each other's weddings in 2007 and 2008 and now we have the joy of having daughters very close in age! Lily was born 2/10/11 and Maria's twin girls were born 4/24/12. So, in these pictures Veronika and Katalina are 15 months and Lily is 17 months. And I can't forget Maria's son, Lukas, he is almost 4! The Walke family was on their way to visit Maria's cousins in Alabama, so they stopped through to have dinner with us. It was fun making a reservation for 4 kids and 4 adults...once my baby is born, the kids will outnumber the adults when our families get together- that will be interesting!

Maria and her twins (Veronika- left and Katalina- right)

All 5 Walkes :) We were all saying "cheese!" kind of loudly, and I don't think Veronika liked it!

Lily is little Ms. Independent these days, she has mastered self-feeding of applesauce...sort of. :)

Maria and I with our three little ladies

Lily was feelin the nursery rhyme I was singing in an attempt to get smiles...the Walke girls weren't as impressed, haha.

Love Katalina's face here!

The daddies and the kids! I love Lukas' enthusiasm for the picture, the daddies were less excited to be in more pictures while carrying heavy children. :)

Friday, August 3rd, I hit 34 weeks. The belly looks under control from the front....but not so much from the side!

Whoa!! Side view shows just how giant I am getting. Time for salads and exercise this weekend! On Friday I also had 5 or 6 co-workers comment that "I'm really popping out" (or something to that affect)...thanks guys, I hadn't noticed! Haha ;) So far, no one has asked if there are two babies in there, but I still have 5 weeks to go, I'm crossing my fingers that I am spared that very rude question!

Friday night we went to my parents' house to have dinner with my parents friends, the Lutkas, who were visiting from Torrington, CT. Donna and my mom grew up in New Britain, CT together and were childhood best friends!

I may have a few chins here, but I still like pictures of my happy girl in action.

Lily grins ear to ear the whole time she is at my parent's places to toys...and LOTS of attention! She's in nugget heaven. :)

                           Lily's new favorite place to play under the table. Unfortunately, she kept trying to stick her finger in the outlet and cracking up about it. Time to get some plug covers over here! Clearly I have THAT kid who likes to flirt with danger, sigh.

My parents, the Lutkas, Clint and Lily.

Hanging out with grandma in her new jammies.

Lily was too amused by the candle to look up for one last picture.

That concludes my pictures from August 2nd and Aug 3rd. I am so excited that it's August, because my last day of work will be Friday, August 31st!! Thats 4 more work weeks and then 6 months of maternity leave! I feel very blessed to be able to take that much leave and still have a job to go back to. 5 weeks and 2 days left until my scheduled c-section on Monday,September 10th. Or if the baby wants to come sooner, I am ready to meet him/her!!! :)

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