Saturday, October 5, 2013

Prince Harry in Sydney to review global armada

Prince Harry on board HMAS Leeuwin to review a global armada of
warships. Image: AP
Prince Harry, in full military uniform, went to Sydney to review a global armada of warships in a day of pomp and ceremony witnessed by thousands of people, reports Associated Press. Known as Captain Wales, the prince made his first official visit to Australia representing Queen Elizabeth II to take part in the 2013 International Fleet Review, in celebration of the 100th year of the Royal Australian Navy. The prince was wearing a white tropical dress uniform of the British Army and a blue Army AirCorp beret. He reviewed the fleet together with Governor-General Quentin Bryce and Prime Minister Tony Abbott on board Australian survey ship HMAS Leeuwin.

Prince Harry salutes at Garden Island. Image: AP
Prince Harry joins Governor-General Quentin Bryce and Prime Minister
Tony Abbott. Image: AP
Prince Harry with Her Majesty's representative Governor-General
Quentin Bryce. Image: AP

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