Saturday, July 28, 2012

Royal Finances: The Queen is more value-for-money than republican presidents

The Queen, more value for money than a president
The issue about royal finances has been the subject of never-ending arguments. Republicans and royalophobes have pointed out many times over that The British Royal Family is a complete set of trash and should be abolished. They're expensive and doesn't cost a cent to the British people. They're impractical and so they should be phased out.

But is it really true? I conducted a little research and have found out that maintaining a "royal" figurehead on top of the government is more value for money than electing a president.

I have found out that in 2011, the United States president is more expensive than the Queen of England, while the total budget of the British monarchy for the same year was a little over $40 mn. This includes the salaries paid for the members of the Royal Family, officials and staff, travel and maintenance of the Royal residences. Meanwhile, Barack Obama enjoyed $71.3 mn, which included his "basic" salary and allowances, that of his first lady and family, officials and staff, and operating expenses and maintenance of White House. The budget doesnt include payment for the king's travels, etc. 

Now come to think of this. Who draws more crowd? The Queen or President Obama. I bet there'd be more people wanting to rub elbows with The Queen than pay a courtesy call with the American President. Americans themselves are the keenest to go to England. Ask their itinerary and visiting Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, or taking a glimpse of The Queen will surely pop up their mind.

Now, who's the real value for money?

Queen Elizabeth II jumps off the parachute, makes her acting debut as a Bond Girl

What better way to start the London Olympic than launch The Queen as an actress and in a rather breathtaking manner: jumping off a parachute.

During the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, Queen Elizabeth II lent an air of royalty to a short film with no other than Agent 007, James Bond star Daniel Craig.

The film was prerecorded in March. It shows Her Majesty greeting the agent, “Hello, Mr. Bond,” and then making their way to the helicopter awaiting them outside Buckingham Palace. As they make their way to the London sky, Bond was seen opening the door and appearing to hesitate. While he dithered, the figure of the Queen pushed past him and dived out into the air followed by 007 – Union Jack parachutes streaming behind them. Meanwhile, from the real helicopter above the stadium, the same two figures appeared to plunge to earth.

The familiar Bond theme tune was played, the spotlight flashed on the Royal Box and The Queen emerged wearing the same dress she wore in the film. With the Prince Philip and Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, the crowd welcomed Her Majesty with a loud applause.

Actually, the parachutists were neither The Queen or Craig, but Gary Connery,  a professional base jumper,  and Mark Suttan, a former  officer in the Royal  Gurkha Rifles.

"Hello, Mr. Bond': Queen Elizabeth II greets Mr. Bond

The Queen and Mr. Bond walks through the corridor of Buckingham Palace

The Queen and Mr. Bond on their way to the helicopter.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Story of Princess Helena Victoria and Princess Marie Louise—Part 7: Marie Louise and the Kaiser

Princess Marie Louise was close to her
cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II

Princess Marie Louise nurtured a close relationship to her cousin, the Kaiser. In fact, he held a keen affection to the Christians. Amidst the ravages of World War I, the Kaiser had never forgotten to send a congratulatory note to her aunt during their 50th wedding anniversary. The telegram reached England via Sweden through his cousin, Crown Princess Margaret. As for Marie Louise, she referred to her cousin as sympathetic, cheerful, and warm.

While in Anhalt, the princess often went to Potsdam and had tea with the empress, whom Marie Louise found too stiff. Nevertheless, the two ladies nurtured a friendly and close relationship.  In her memoirs, Princess Marie Louise wrote:

“I want to give all...a true and quite different side to the character of that much-maligned man, William II, German Emperor. At heart he was pro-British, though not, I agree in his policy for there his country and its interests had, of necessity always to be first. He was devoted to his grandmother, Queen Victoria, and admired everything English....I can say in perfect truth that the Emperor did not want war. He was against the invasion of Belgium for two reasons – first, he did not wish Germany to break her word, she having guaranteed to neutrality of Belgium, and second that he knew it would bring this country [Britain] into the war. I can also say that when the Emperor saw the telegram sent to Serbia by Berchtold, he was terribly upset....”

“To return to the affection he had for my parents, the following fact will give you a very touching proof of what I am endeavouring to tell you. In 1916 my parents celebrated their golden wedding. I spite of the war, it was a very happy the afternoon, while we were talking, the steward handed a telegram to my mother. It was from the Crown Princess of Sweden, Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Connaught. The telegram was as follows: “William asks me to transmit to you his loyal and devoted good wishes to dear Uncle Christian and Aunt Helena on the occasion of their golden wedding.”

Queen Elizabeth hosts reception for Olympic Committee

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip hosted a reception to welcome members of the International Olympic Committee at Buckingham Palace, Monday. Here's a video of the event, courtesy of The Daily Telegraph.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lily's 1st Haircut! 7/22/12

Lily has always had a LOT of hair! She could wear bows in her hair by 6 months old and sport a pony tail or pigtails before she turned one. Now, at 17 months, LK's hair is a little out of control. I took these photos as the BEFORE shots of Lily's crazy hair, pre-haircut.

On Sunday, July 22nd we decided to take Lily in for her first haircut. My friend Betsy posted pictures of her son getting his first haircut at Great Clips, where they give you a certificate of Baby's 1st Haircut and tape a lock of the baby's hair to it. Since Great Clips happens to be in the Mahan Publix shopping center right by house, I figured I wouldn't bother looking any further for a place for Lily's first cut. Here are some pictures of the event (which only really took about 10 minutes):

             Lily was still in her church clothes...Clint said the bow was too big, looking at it in pictures, I'm thinking maybe he was right. :) Oh well!

I started singing on of Lily's favorite Barney songs to get her attention for a picture.

It worked until the hairdresser in the next chair chimed in, and Lily had to look and see who else knew the Raindrop song.

Clint showed Lily video clips of herself on his iphone to distract her for the haircut, it worked like a charm!

Lily looks so different with bangs! I dont really like the change, but its nice her hair will be out of her face for now.

Lily's uncle Keith taught her that lollies are for sharing.

Something for the baby book! :)

Car ride home, Lily is looking so grown up...tear!

LK's 17 month milestones and my 30th Birthday

On July 10, 2012 my baby hit 17 months! Almost halfway through her second!
Here is what LK has been up to:

Favorite toys: Play kitchen, play shopping cart, water bottles, and bubbles. (Lily says Bu-bbles! with great enthusiam if you blow bubbles her way, its adorable!)

Favorite songs: The "I love you, you love me" song from Barney, "If all the Raindrops"also from Barney (Lily loves singing the "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah" part!), "Ring Around the Rosey", and "Motorboat."

Words: New ones this month- bubbles, balloon, baby, tree, and Papa (for  my dad). Old faves- mama, mommy, dada, daddy, Bye/Bye-Bye, Hi, yah, yay, whoa, uh-oh, oww, yes, no, dis (for this), peas (for please), ball, and the ever popular baba.

Signs: 'thank you' is the only new sign I can think of, but her hand motions for songs have improved. She can do the twinkle motions in "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and row her boat like a pro in "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." And Lily still loves doing the motions for 'Wheels on the Bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Patty Cake", and "If You're Happy and You Know It".

New skills: dancing, the tomahawk chop and song

Events: Lily got tubes in her ears on 7/23/12. :( It was hard for mommy and daddy, but we are hopeful it will be worth it.

Firsts: First haircut on 7/22/12. First babydoll also on 7/22/12. So far Lily isnt too interested, but I am trying hard to warm her up to her new big sister role. (I thought Lily would feel a kinship with this particular babydoll because Lily is all about the paci these days. Nope, Lily could care less about the babydoll...or it's pacifier!)

On Friday, July 20, 2012, I turned the big 3-0! I decided to work a half day and take the afternoon off. The morning started out nice with a banner, balloon, and card from my unit in my cubicle when I got to work. Then my friend Alana came down with a card, gift, and cupcakes.Yay! :) Next, Clint organized a birthday lunch at La Fiesta with my co-workers and some of our friends. It was great! Three adorable little baby boys came too- Joel, Harrison, and Lincoln. They were all so good! Lily did not get invited to lunch, so Clint and I could relax, eat, and enjoy catching up with friends. Unfortunately, I didnt really take any pictures. However, my sweet friend Courtney made me a cookie cake and made sure I got a picture of it. The cookie cake and cupcakes made for great after lunch desserts.

The day after my birthday, my family, Clint's parents, and Clint's Aunt and cousin took me out to a family bday dinner at Hurricane Grill in Killearn Lakes. This was Lily's 2nd time there, and she did great both times! This seems to be the only restaurant Lily behaves is now worth the drive! Live music starts at 7 pm on the weekends, and Lily hammed it up with her sweet dance moves!

The belly at 32 weeks before dinner. Some of my bday cards I got at my birthday lunch are behind me. Thanks, friends!

Summertime! Gville/Ocala, 4th of July, Panama City

Well, I've come to the realization that I enjoy reading blogs a lot more than I enjoy keeping up with one of my own. From my avid at-work blog reading, I've learned that there is a type of blog post called a "Photo dump" where you can share a lot of pictures, without feeling like you have to write much. Perfect! Here is a "photo dump" of late June and July:

The best Gator outfit I could come up with...on our way to Gainesville to see LB's (Sarah Black): time we take photos BEFORE I pig out on delicious asian food...I look HUGE! :)

Our final destination: my best friend Jess's Baby Shower in Ocala..YAY!! Jess and I's due dates are exactly one month apart, she is due August 14th and I am due September 14th. clearly, our babies will be besties! Jess and I are just a couple of weeks apart too. :)

MUST get one of these blow-up toddler travel beds, fun for play and practical for sleep because the raised edges should keep the toddlers from rolling off.

4th of July!

                   LK sleeping in her starts and stripes :)

LOVE watching Lily do hand motions to nursery rhymes, can you guess the song??

                               Lily loves Uncle Keith!

Wagon ride with cousin Corey and Grandpa

Torturing Pugsley by banging him with her it bad that I felt Pugsley deserved this? He hasnt been very well-behaved lately...I think he senses that another nugget is about to invade his lair.

July 7, 2012: Beach Maternity Pictures with Betsy!
St. Andrew's State Park in Panama City Beach

Thanks Betsy, I love them so much!!

                                     My favorite!!!