On July 10, 2012 my baby hit 17 months! Almost halfway through her second year...wow!
Here is what LK has been up to:
Favorite toys: Play kitchen, play shopping cart, water bottles, and bubbles. (Lily says Bu-bbles! with great enthusiam if you blow bubbles her way, its adorable!)
Favorite songs: The "I love you, you love me" song from Barney, "If all the Raindrops"also from Barney (Lily loves singing the "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah" part!), "Ring Around the Rosey", and "Motorboat."
Words: New ones this month- bubbles, balloon, baby, tree, and Papa (for my dad). Old faves- mama, mommy, dada, daddy, Bye/Bye-Bye, Hi, yah, yay, whoa, uh-oh, oww, yes, no, dis (for this), peas (for please), ball, and the ever popular baba.
Signs: 'thank you' is the only new sign I can think of, but her hand motions for songs have improved. She can do the twinkle motions in "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and row her boat like a pro in "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." And Lily still loves doing the motions for 'Wheels on the Bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Patty Cake", and "If You're Happy and You Know It".
New skills: dancing, the tomahawk chop and song
Events: Lily got tubes in her ears on 7/23/12. :( It was hard for mommy and daddy, but we are hopeful it will be worth it.
Firsts: First haircut on 7/22/12. First babydoll also on 7/22/12. So far Lily isnt too interested, but I am trying hard to warm her up to her new big sister role. (I thought Lily would feel a kinship with this particular babydoll because Lily is all about the paci these days. Nope, Lily could care less about the babydoll...or it's pacifier!)

On Friday, July 20, 2012, I turned the big 3-0! I decided to work a half day and take the afternoon off. The morning started out nice with a banner, balloon, and card from my unit in my cubicle when I got to work. Then my friend Alana came down with a card, gift, and cupcakes.Yay! :) Next, Clint organized a birthday lunch at La Fiesta with my co-workers and some of our friends. It was great! Three adorable little baby boys came too- Joel, Harrison, and Lincoln. They were all so good! Lily did not get invited to lunch, so Clint and I could relax, eat, and enjoy catching up with friends. Unfortunately, I didnt really take any pictures. However, my sweet friend Courtney made me a cookie cake and made sure I got a picture of it. The cookie cake and cupcakes made for great after lunch desserts.

The day after my birthday, my family, Clint's parents, and Clint's Aunt and cousin took me out to a family bday dinner at Hurricane Grill in Killearn Lakes. This was Lily's 2nd time there, and she did great both times! This seems to be the only restaurant Lily behaves at...it is now worth the drive! Live music starts at 7 pm on the weekends, and Lily hammed it up with her sweet dance moves!
The belly at 32 weeks before dinner. Some of my bday cards I got at my birthday lunch are behind me. Thanks, friends!