Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy 15 months, Lily Kate!...and Mother's Day

Today my baby girl is 15 months old, and a full blown toddler in every way. Lily has started throwing mini tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Earlier this week, Lily wanted to feed herself applesauce with her spoon even though she doesn't quite have the motor skills for this.While she did get a good bit of applesauce in her mouth, she also got it EVERYWHERE. I let her sling applesauce for a good 20 minutes before it was definitely tubby time. Lily was not happy to leave her high chair and had a full melt down on the bathroom floor. She arched her back and laid down screaming in protest. She cried her entire bath, which was so much fun for me.:) Well, it looks like we're in for a treat as Lily gets more stubborn, opinionated, and independent each day. We are still waiting for her vocabulary to expand, there was no huge word explosion between 14 and 15 months. Hopefully when Lily can express herself better, the meltdowns will die down??

On the upside of toddlerhood, I got my first art project sent home from daycare today along with a Mother's Day card Lily made me at school. YAY! These are the first two crafts Lily has made without me there, and they make me very happy! I keep hinting to Clint that I would like him to help Lily make me something for Mother's Day. I even joined Pinterest to give him some ideas, haha. There's no way he is making the hand print flower pot I "pinned", but it amuses me to suggest such fancy crafts. ( Lily could scribble on a piece of paper and I would love it all the same. I dont do many art projects at home with Lily, I need to work on that. Here's what she brought home today:

                                                          Love my card, thanks LK!

I'm not sure if water spilled on this, or it was just a very light water coloring painting? Either way, I love it. :)

Yesterday, I took Lily to the play area in Governor Square mall for the first time. She was in Heaven! I need to start taking her there more. Although on a side note, Lily did get sent home today from daycare with a fever, I really hope the play area didnt make her sick. I santitized her hands real good as soon as we left. Hmm. But she loved it so much, I'm taking her back as soon as she's 100% again...hopefully this weekend. The pictures arent great, but here's a few:

                                                       This puzzle thing was a huge hit!
                                                   Ooooooooh, fun for Lily Kate

Umm, what is this for?

                                                                 Oh, crawling!
Lily got brave after a while..up the bridge she went!

And lastly, here's a few photos from today, your 15th month birthday. (and day 4 of daddy being out of town, but let's not dwell on that!)

                                         Girl, does this diaper make my butt look big?

I had a truly blessed Mother's Day. Clint was so sweet and made me a photo book of pictures of Lily and I and some LK pics that we love. He also bought me a book, magazine, lillies for my "Lily Garden" I have in my head, and helped Lily write me a sweet card. I am so grateful for the experience of being a mother- I can't begin to explain how much I love my sweet little girl.

On a side note, I finally put in a center photo to complete this frame that I truly 12 months of my life!

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