Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall is in the air's not exactly cool out yet...but at least we can enjoy the pumpkins. :)

I really do love this time of year! Lily has informed me that she is going to be Abby for Halloween, baby is going to be Elmo, and Daddy is going to be Cookie Monster. And when I ask her what mommy is going to be, she also says Elmo. Somehow I feel like Lily didn't put much thought into Mommy's costume. :) It's times like these that I really wish I could sew. I've been looking online and it looks like an Abby and an Elmo costume will run me $50-$60 bucks. Companies really make a killing on Halloween costumes apparently! I laughed outloud when I saw that an adult Cookie Monster costume (which Clint wouldn;t be caught dead in anyway) was $60. Really?! I wouldn't be so cheap about costumes if we didn't have almost $1000 of car repairs come up last month. September was not good to us. :/

In other news, potty training with LK is actually going very well. Our couch has been peed on twice, as well as our bed once, her carseat once, and the laminate floor multiple times... but Lily is getting there and using her potty 6-7 times a day. we have to fight her to wear a diaper at night because she loves her big girl panties so much. She is about 50/50 in waking up dry or wet, so I'm not ready to take the plunge and let her sleep in her undies every night. We're very proud of our big girl! The reinforcement of Temple Israel having the kids go potty 3 times in her short 3 hour day has made all the difference in the world. They get stickers and candy when they go in the potty, plus it's the "monkey see, monkey do" phenomenon of kids wanting to do what other kids are doing (i.e. using the potty). So I can't say it has been easy...but we're getting there! :)

The other thing we've been up to is taking a 10-week Alpha course at our new church, St. Peters. It's every Sunday night from 6-8:30. I love it! They feed us dinner and wine, then we watch a video about the life of Jesus, then we have coffee and dessert while we discuss the video. The girls have only gone to the daycare once, but they did GREAT with no tears at all...and I'm praying that wasn't just a fluke. It really helps that they have each other to play with in times like this. We've tried to drop just Lily off in the nursey for church and she always, always cries. When her little sidekick is with her, all is right in the world.

Lastly, I am anxiously awaiting baby arrival news from my friend Tera who is expecting her second baby any day now! I am an obsessive phone checker when I know a baby is on the horizon. Especially when the sex is a mystery...I'm dying to know!!

Happy fall, ya'll!!

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