Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/10/13-- Brinley's 1st Birthday!

I took off work today to hang out with my favorite ONE year old! Clint took the morning off too which was great. We didn't do much during the day, but it was nice just to spend time together. And play dress up in a few new birthday outfits, of course. In the evening we went to lake ella to feed the ducks and play with the surplus of bubbles we have. Brinley was all over the place, so most of the pictures I took are blurry. I need a better camera...and some basic photography skills I guess. :/ At night we read three of her new birthday books...I thought the Napping House was so cute...thanks Alana! Happy Birthday, Pookie was a sweet little book too. Brinley loves to be read to...especially if she gets to be the page turner. I have to read quickly if I want to get the story in...BC often cuts me off by turning the page, but that's ok. :) She's just like Lily was at this age...she like the books with flaps to lift or something for her to do with those busy little hands.

Here are a few pictures from Lake Ella:

I love this expression. And I LOVE this outfit from James and Rebecca! :)

I love this picture of Lily, marching after a duck, haha:

Earlier in the day, I put Brinley in this fun polka dotted number she got as a gift from my friend Jessi. Love the ruffles!


 Yesterday, I took pictures of Brinley in another sweet birthday gift, her 'Bald is Beautiful' t-shirt that mt friend Sarah made. It's perfect. :) I really can't picture Brinley NOT bald...I'm curious when that hair will finally arrive. For now, we'll embrace the baldness!

Can't wait to see what the next year will bring! My heart is full with love for this little one. Happy Birthday (once again)!

Brinley's 12 month stats:

Weight- ??? I'll try to put her in the scale at home, she has her 1 yr well visit on 9/19. Pretty sure she's just above average.

Height- also unsure. She was super short at her last visit, but I will be curious to hear what they say at her appt next week.

Eating habits- Still loves to eat- anything and everything. She chokes a little if the pieces arent super small, but she loves table food and trying new foods. I bought my last (ever!) Similac formula container, and we are almost done with it. At $25.99 a pop, I'm very happy about this. I do wish I was still nursing her, but at 10.5 months my supply dropped (due to me pumping at work less probably), and she was no longer interested. :( I pumped my last bit of breastmilk this week, and now we are strictly on organic whole milk from here on out. Life is good.

Walking- It took her almost a month, but BC is fully walking!!! She took her first steps 8/13/13, and as od her birthday, she is fully upright whn it comes to mobility. She will crawl on occasion, but chooses to walk about 95% of the time. She even attempts the step on our porch without resorting to crawling. Also, she can carry around a rather large doll carseat and walk while drinking out of her bottle: skills! She is using her arms less and less for balance (aka less of the zombie walk) and looking more like a normal toddler everyday. She hasn't attempted running yet, but me and her bald head that bruises extremely easily- are grateful!

Talking- Brinley loves to talk. Lily is a chatter box, so I figured Briney would follow suit. Brinley says "thank you" anytme you hand her a bottle or a snack. Its precious. She can say hi, no, up, mama, dada, nana, thank you, and "go go go". She is also starting to mimic words and sounds she hears us say. I've heard that once they master walking, the language explodes because their concentration is freed up from all the walking-concentration. We'll see if that happens.

Favorite things- She still adores her red wubanub dog paci, and Clint and I slickly panic if it goes missing. We may need to start weaning her from it, but boy does she sleep like an angel with it! She also adores Lily Kate. The two play together so well, and nothing warms my heart more. Lily is always trying to feed "baby", bring her bottles, read to her, pat her head, hug her, tickle her, and play with her. It hope it stays like this forever.

Thats it for now...I wish I had a 12 month post for LK to look back on and grow nostalgic over, but I started my blog just after her 1st bday. Now that the blog is updated...her baby book needs a little TLC! :)

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