Monday, August 19, 2013

Brinley's 11 month post - part 2

Unfortunately my plan of updating my blog on my lunch break at work has failed me because I can't edit it anymore for some reason. I can still see blogs and comment on them, but I get an error message if I try to edit mine. Darn. Our internet has been down a lot at home (plus, I dont have a lot of time/energy to blog when I'm home) I've yet to document the current milestones of my little lady. Feeling mom guilt, as the baby book is looking pretty bare too. :)

So, here's my best attempt at catching up with all of BC's new skills...

Skills- Brinley's most exciting accomplishment at 11 months has been her first steps!! For her entire 10th month of life, BC was very big on assisted walking. Obsessed even. By the end of her 10th month, all she needed was one pinky to hold onto and she'd walk all over the house. If I was sitting on the floor with Brinley, she would pull herself up on something and reach back and grab my hands until I walked her around. Everywhere. She would also fly all over the house with her walker and stand on her own for long enough for me to grab the camera and take a quick photo. The problem with her taking steps on her own was that she didn't want to let go of your hand once she had it. 3 days after the turned 11 months (8/13/13), I thought I'd try stabilizing her with my hands on her waist and see if she would stay up when I let go. Success! Brinley took about 5 steps towards me several times in a row. Clint go home from work, and I was so excited to show him BC's new skill. All this week we have been taking little videos of her taking steps and giving her practice time with her new skill. She loves it! She's definitely not walking yet, but probably that will come soon. Lily didnt take her first steps until about a week after she turned 13 months, so once she took her first steps she starting walking pretty much simultaneously. I'm not sure how much longer Brinley has until she can truly walk, but I'm in no hurry- she's already growing up way too fast!

Cute things- My favorite thing Brinley does is say "Thank you" when you give her something to eat. She hears Lily say it all the time and a few weeks ago she started saying a clear "Tank Oooh" after you hand her a mum mum or other snack. She also blows kisses, waves, claps, and signs 'more'. Brinley also likes directing you where to go when you're holding her by stretching out her arm and waving it the direction she desires.

Words- Mama, Dada, baba (bottle), thank you, uh oh, yah, and up. There are probably more, but I can't think of them.

Food- Brinley is still an enthusiastic eater. She loves all baby food, cheerios, puff, mums mums, fruit, lasagna, peas, bread, beans and rice, pizza, chicken, turkey, cheese...really, anything!

Milk- We have slowly starting introducing whole milk. Not surprisingly, BC is on board. Right now she is getting a mix of breast milk, formula and whole milk, but mostly formula. I swore after paying $25.99 for formula today, that it my last formula can I cared to I'm going to try and stretch it out for the next 23 days until she turns 1. I'll probably stop pumping when BC turns 1 also and she'll get straight whole milk from here on out. At about 10 months, my milk supply dropped and BC lost her interest in nursing. :( So I picked back up with the pumping so she that she technically gets breastmilk until she turns one..but there's really not much happening there.

Favorite things- Playing with Lily, stroller/wagon rides, being held, walking holding hands, eating, bring read to, destroying Lily's puzzles, slides, bath time, music, dancing.

And now for an excessive amount of photos...I was trying to get a picture for her birthday invitations. We did blue and pink tutus on two different days. Dressing up little girls in necklaces and tutus never gets old to me. I'm not super girly myself, but I adore dress-up parties with my little ones. :)

Happy 11 months, baby girl!!

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