Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lily Kate 13 months

After trying to update my blog for the last 3 days and forgetting my email address AND my password...I am making up for lost time by making 3 blog posts in one night!

I've been terrible at updating Lily's baby book for the last few months so I'm hoping I'll blog more and can print this into a photo book for Lily for her birthday each year.

Dear Lily Kate,

Here's what you're doing at 13 (almost 14) months...

* You love to play outside and are very insistent on this every evening!

*You eat like a champ! You have liked every bit of 'people food' you've tried including spaghetti, grits, pancakes, carrots, peas, pesto pasta, mashed potatoes, banana pudding, all kinds of fruit, cheese ravioli, rotesserie chicken, yogurt, peanut butter and jelly, toast, marshmallows, Kix, Rice Crispies, cheese, pickles, french fries with ketchup, etc. You actually started clapping when I let you try a Chic-fil-A chicken nugget! Haha, judging by your applause, I would say that was your favorite so far!

*You are very particular about the books you like now. Gone are the days when I can read "Guess How Much I love You,"Goodnight Moon", or "Brown Bear". Now, there must be some kind of interaction- like 'lift-the-flaps' or 'touch-and-feel'. Mommy doesnt like this phase. We can only read "Where is Baby's Belly Button?" so many times.Tonight you sat through "The Littlest Kitten", but that has a finger puppet, so you still continue to demand a role in story time.

*You know a few signs- More, Milk, Please, and I think you did Book tonight. You still do a lot of pointing and grunting so I need to work on both your signs and your vocabulary. It is pretty cute when you see your bag of toddler cookies and immediately start signing 'more', Haha.

*You dont say a lot of words yet- Still Baba (for bottle or just for babbling), mama, dada, this, yah, bye bye...and that might be it. "Yah" is new this week. We say, "Lily Kate, do you want a cookie?" And you nod your head and say "Yah" and smile, it earns you bonus cookies. Especially when you sign please first. I need to be better about making you do it before you get the reward.(Its like training a puppy!)

*You defintiely like a good TV show, I need to be careful how much I let you watch. You enjoy Sesame Street, Wonder Pets, Barney, and the Pajanimals. We dont put on anything else for you, so we're not sure what else you might enjoy if given the chance. :)

*You just switched to a new room in daycare where you get to play outside every day (yay!) and you take a two hour nap from (11:45-1:45) on a mat on the floor (like a big girl!). Mommy is not happy with this nap time because it means I cant really visit you at lunch anymore, You'll move rooms again June 1st and then come to stay home with me and the new baby October 1st, so I just need to be patient.

*You love being held and/or with your mommy and daddy at all times. Hoping you'll gain some independence now that you can walk! But we don't really mind you being a little needy nugget. :)

As of 4/3/12, you weigh 21 pounds, 7 oz., still 50th  percentile in weight and height as you've been pretty much always. I know your weight as of today because your daddy took you to the Pediatrician this morning for yet another mild ear infection, I think that was your 4th ear infection, which is fun times with Amoxicillin for us. We mix it in your milk, but I'm not sure if that dillutes it.

In happier news, 13 months was the big month you started WALKING! We are so proud! You took your time crawling, so I thought you might be a late walker. You took off on Monday, March 19th (13 months and 9 days old). We think you walked because you were wearing your lucky Elmo dress (You love Elmo!). We couldn't get your first steps on camera, but here is the aftershot, holding on to your old friend the couch. By Wednesday, 3/21/12 we were able to get a video of you walking at Chuck-E-Cheese, at Auntie Jenn's bday party.

Right after your first steps, 3/19/12


Another big milestone you've hit at 13 months, is peeing in your potty! I posted about that a few weeks ago because I was so surprised your peed in your potty twice in a row. Now, you pee in your potty about once a day. Sometimes twice. Or there was yesterday, when I sat you on the potty naked for about 10 minutes and then you stood up, cheeks to the wind, and peed all over the bathroom floor. You seemed pretty amused! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you embracing your potty. You defintiely dont tell us when you need to go yet, but I'm glad you like your potty and actually use it! Oh and afterwards, you wipe your tummy or chest with toilet paper and it is absoluetly precious!

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